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Updated February 4, 2022.


These guidelines are intended to protect participants, parents/guardians, and RSI staff in RSI programs. This plan will be updated as new scientific information, government recommendations, and social norms become available. This is a continually evolving situation that requires adaptation and flexibility.  

We will notify you of any additional specific advice about Children’s programs and COVID 19 as it becomes available from reliable sources such as the BC Centre for Disease Control.


Prior to the Camp:


Each participant should be monitored for symptoms associated with COVID-19. Should the participant experience any symptoms of COVID-19, 811 should be called and their instructions followed. 

If the participant’s condition changes at any time during the program, 811 should be called and their instructions followed.  

If your child is sick, please do not have them participate in the program until they are feeling better.

In accordance with the current public health order, face masks are required to be worn by all participants ages 5 and up as well as any parents participating in programs.

During the program:


Coaches will be monitoring the participants for symptoms of COVID-19 while they are at Richardson Sport programs. If someone is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at an RSI program:

We will contact 811 and follow whatever their instructions are.  Responses will likely be as follows:


  • If the person is in acute distress (urgent), then we’ll call 911 and follow their directions

  • If the person is not in acute distress (semi-urgent or non-urgent), then we’ll follow isolation protocols, call parents/guardians, report the potential outbreak to health officials. We may take additional actions   if instructed to do so by 811.

Though we do our best, it is not possible to strictly enforce a 2m physical distance between participants at all times in a sport camp setting. As such, our risk management for COVID-19 is based on a standard of reasonable risk rather than a standard of caution.  


It is important to note that respiratory, fecal-oral, and environmental transmission for a host of viral, bacterial, and protozoan infections are a normal aspect of risk management in any child care related program. Many of our existing protocols and practices such as hand washing, and surface cleaning are standard operating procedure. However, these protocols are being enhanced due to COVID-19. 


Participants will be encouraged/reminded often about maintaining physical distancing as much as possible (2m).


Coaches are required to wear masks at all times during the programs, and there are gloves available should any participant require first aid. Commonly touched items (mainly sports equipment) will be sanitized between each class. 


After the program:


If someone develops COVID-19 symptoms or test positives for COVID-19 within 10 days of the end of your program, please: 

  • Call 811 and follow their instructions

  • Self isolate if required

  • Contact the Richardson Sport Office at 250-590-4625 or email as soon as possible so we can take appropriate precautions.


Phone: (250) 590-4625

Location: 1440 Harrop Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 2S5

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